It's National Invasive Species Awareness Week, and we've got 2 opportunities to share with you!
The first is more physical - removing invasive species in the Preserve every other Wednesday morning. We’re tackling autumn olive, bush honeysuckle, burning bush, and multiflora rose. Click here (pre-registration is required) for our March dates.
The second is a less physical citizen science project. Beginning March 1, join PA iMapInvasives to seek out new populations of lesser celandine and keep a watchful eye on known infestations. Participants will aid in uncovering the full extent of its spread, helping to identify the areas where intervention is most critical.
Watch this recorded training and review the ArcGIS StoryMap to learn how to participate in this new statewide event. You’ll learn how to identify lesser celandine, report findings to iMapInvasives, and other event logistics. The two-month event runs March 1 to April 30.
Lesser celandine (Ficaria verna) is an invasive plant that has established in PA and DE.