Stormwater washing off land is the largest source of pollution to the White Clay Creek. Almost all of the rain falling on roofs, driveways, roads, parking lots, mowed lawns, and patios ends up as stormwater runoff.
In contrast, rain falling on forests and meadows gradually soaks into the sponge-like soils; pollutants are filtered out, groundwater is replenished, and stream water swings between flood and drought levels are evened out, preserving more constant stream flows and protecting aquatic life.
Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) practices can help capture, detain, and infiltrate rain, mimicking natural ecosystems. GSI systems are proven to simulate natural soil filtering and reduce stormwater volumes and speeds.
Your green lawn is not so green; in fact, mowed lawns shed almost as much rain (~90%) as paved surfaces (100%)! Smaller lawns also cut down on mowing and fertilizer/pesticide applications.
Well managed GSI projects also enhance community beauty, increase property values (5% or more), and provide vital habitat for birds and pollinators.
The Catch the Rain invites White Clay watershed homeowners to learn more about green stormwater projects through on site property visits. During your site visit we will explain simple practices you can undertake to improve water quality in your neighborhood and explain how you can apply for rebates to install these Green Stormwater Infrastructure practices including:
rain barrels,
pervious paving retrofits or removal of existing paving,
conservation landscape plantings,
and canopy tree plantings.
Before Conservation Landscaping
After Conservation Landscaping
Catch the Rain is for landowners in the White Clay watershed who are interested in beautifying their property while simultaneously managing stormwater runoff from rain events. It is especially applicable to older subdivisions and properties lacking existing stormwater management practices. Your project could be as simple as planting native shade trees over your driveway, installing an eye-catching bed of native wildflowers, or catching the rain from your roof to reuse on your lawn or garden. These small projects capture water at the source and are relatively inexpensive, with a large effect on runoff. Catch the Rain projects can ‘green’ your neighborhood, boost your property values, save you money, and help the White Clay flow clear.
Want to learn more about Catch the Rain?
Learn how the Catch the Rain Program works. (View/download how to become a White Clay Creek-wise homeowner)
See what type of rebate you could qualify for: (View/download the Catch the Rain Rebate Table)
Read our brochure: (View/download the Catch the Rain Program Brochure)
Ready to get started?
Enter your address here to see if you live in the White Clay Creek Watershed. Please note the drop-down arrow in the address box you will need to select Esri World Geocoder for Pennsylvania addresses.
Click here to start your application.
If you are interested in attending an upcoming workshop please contact Lucy Dinsmore and please include your name, address, and contact information in the body of the email. A recorded workshop can be viewed below.
Learn how stormwater impacts water quality and some simple steps you can take on your property to make a difference. The Catch the Rain Program supports the voluntary implementation of nature-based practices to help manage stormwater in the White Clay Creek watershed.
*Initial funding for this program was provided by: Dockstader Foundation, White Clay Watershed Association Wild and Scenic River Program, Veolia, White Clay Preservation Fund, and the Brandywine Conservancy.