White Clay Wild and Scenic Symposium

September 25, 2012Stroud Water Research Center 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

View Final Agenda


Recent research in the White Clay watershed has focused on issues that are at the heart of our Management Plan goals and more.  The morning was spent with the Critical Zone Observatory.  The Critical Zone ”lies between rock and sky… where water, atmosphere, ecosystems, soils, and rock interact. It is essential to life on Earth, including food production and water quality.”   The White Clay is part of the Christina Basin Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) with Stroud Water Research Center and the University of Delaware as partners in reserch within the White Clay watershed.

The afternoon was reserved for projects and initiaives in the watershed that benefit the water quality, flora and fauna of the watershed.  A tour of the new Moorehead Environmental Complex and sensor network was part of this eventful day.